All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Home again for a quick dinner with the boys then off to Yolanda's for her PH party. We had 7 people there and only 4 orders for $150 sales. I can't say I'm not disappointed. For once my presentation seemed perfect, was only 30 minutes, and everyone seemed excited and interested. Normally I can pick something that should've gone better, but this time I thought I'd done everything right. Hopefully Yolanda will find some orders tomorrow or Friday, and I'm going to make some calls tomorrow. I really want to at least get her her margarita glasses, which she can have for free if we hit $200. She also likes the fantasia tumblers, so that'd be a plus.
Was I supposed to exercise tonight? Whoops! I got chatting with some guy from HoN while I checked my mail and just lost interest. Though I feel guilty, I don't feel quite guilty enough to get off my lazy arse and push play. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll do S&6P or something. No really major dizzy spells today, but I had that constant dull pain in my head. Doc Gibb thinks me coming in is easier than catching me on the phone. Suppose he'll pick up the copay?