Of course it would be incomprehensible to B as to why I'm upset that he's suddenly decided to fix up the house. To a man who has been apathetic to his wife and family for months it must seem overwhelmingly frustrating to be patching dents in the walls and painting fixtures under a glaring scrutiny and blaring silence. However, to me it is completely logical. This is a man who couldn't lift a finger to help out without some kind of threat or promise. Someone who put his hobbies above family more than once, who breaks promises, and ignores his duties as a father and spouse. The $100 he's using to by new pictures and paint came to him because he insisted on having an equal amount of "fun money" out of the tax return. A return largely used to catch up his bills and debts. A return earned 70% by me. My fun money that started the whole thing? I got my hair done. Something I'd put off for 4 months due to lack of funds. Not a cut, not a color, for 4 months. Mind you, his hair has been cut at a cost of $20 each month during that time. So now that I am leaving B has decided to pretty up the house with his portion of my "entertainment" money. Yeah, just a bit pissed.
My God I wish I was out of here so fucking badly!!!