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JR's Little Corner

I imagine this will be my little place where I can say whatever I feel. I've journaled off and on, so why not? Here expect to find what's been going on, what's been annoying me, etc etc.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Union down

I heard it first on Alice this morning, then found it as the top story on Denver 7 when I checked their site at work. Beth and Doug Hammer, a quiet couple in a gated community, are staging an even quieter protest to the uproar of their neighbors and local HOA. On the anniversary of the war in Iraq this past March, Beth went out to fly her flag like she did every morning. But on this particular morning, she flew it union down. Upside down. One might recall that movie “The Last Castle”, and how the flag being raised upside down was a sign the castle has fallen. Flying a flag union down is a sign of distress, something Beth feels the nation is in. Do I agree with her? Doesn't matter (though I do). Do I approve of her flying our beloved flag upside down? Doesn't matter (and I really don't know). But something about this story really got to me. Not in an uncomfortable sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach way, but in a fascinated I want to learn everything about this I can kind of way. After a wasted hour and a half I had failed to procure Mrs. Hammer's contact information, which I knew I would. I did contact one reporter hoping he would send on an e-mail to her. Incidentally Beth and Doug, if you by some random chance of fate happen upon your names here, drop me a line.

Here's what I've learned in my research today. Beth does not support the war in Iraq. Beth does support our troops, here there and everywhere. Beth feels there are important issues to be dealt with at home, that we focus too much on foreign policy. I have to say I agree. Beth and Doug went to Maui recently. Good for you!

Anyway, I guess I'm just sharing. With my estranged big brother doing yet another tour in Bahrain, anything regarding the war hits close to home. Anytime freedom of speech is challenged (even under the guise of an HOA contract) I sit up. Beth is exercising her right to free speech and her right to protest. She is doing it quietly and peacefully, harming no one. Yes, some vets in her neighborhood are mad. One article I read says one of her neighbor's has taken to flying her flag wrong-side up as well. If nothing else, she's caused a stir and people are talking.

Kudos Beth and Doug, stay strong. Thousands upon thousands of brave young men have died so you have the right to hang your flag union down. They're still dieing, for a lot of silly little political reasons, but ultimately because they loved this country and chose to serve, and God bless every one of them, whether in the heated battle grounds in the red zones of Iraq or sitting safely at a desk in Alaska.

Here is a link to one article regarding this, if interested I'm sure you can Google up a few more. Incidentally the author of this particular article, Mr. Johnson, is the reporter I contacted.

'Woman's flag upside down, as are neighbors' responses'


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